microdnssec, (c) Svenne Krap, 2010 released under 2-clause BSD-license Before use there are multiple things you need to do: 1) have one or more servers running bind (9.6.x) you can ssh into 2) set up this bind to include an autogenerated file (seczone.conf for example) 3) configure microdnssec in conf/settings (start out with a copy from conf/settings.sample) Workflow - new domains: - prepare-zone.sh (i.e. prepare-zone example.com dns@example.com ) - edit-zone.sh - sign-zone.sh - update-zone-conf.sh Work-flow resign : - refresh-signatures.sh Work-flow key-roll-over - make-{z,k}sk.sh - sign-all.sh > pass DS-record upstream, if needed - list-keys.sh > find the correct key to expire - retire-key.sh (copy/paste key from list-keys output) > wait til all signatures from the old key has expired - purge-retired-keys.sh